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Showing all posts tagged with Fix ur clone Term.

General Community


10/28/2021 9:46 PM ̇ Spoilers!

Hey Term, don't block me from using CloneMii if I'm using a VPN/Proxy
I ain't doing nothing bad

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10/30/2021 7:33 PM

We have TeamViewer in my school, I don't think anyone uses it though. What IS monitored is the 150MB of server storage that we have. In case a virus and/or illegal content is found there, your school account gets banned, and as an account is required to use any PC, you also get expelled.

Art Community


10/20/2021 2:51 AM ̇ Spoilers!

I have NO idea why but most of my posts with comics in it are now gone
imma tag this with the Len & Snippy tag so u can see how it's gone

General Community


10/17/2021 12:19 AM ̇ Spoilers!

uhh why is CloneMii no longer secure?

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10/17/2021 7:34 AM

"fix ur clone Term" - Really good tag