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Showing all posts tagged with Sonic.

Sonic Lost World Community


10/13/2021 3:41 PM ̇ Spoilers!

I use to play the demo of this game alot. I played it so much that I wasn't able to anymore (reason is cause for the Wii U u have a set amount of times that u can play a demo and once u reach the limi...

Sonic The Hedgehog Community


09/25/2021 3:30 AM ̇ Spoilers!

I played Sonic 1,2,3,&K all on my DS thru Classic Collection

u may think that's bad but at least I'm not playing them on a Mac

Sonic The Hedgehog Community


09/25/2021 3:29 AM ̇ Spoilers!


Mania's such a great game

General Community


09/08/2021 12:24 AM ̇ Spoilers!

where did you come from?