Site Rules

CloneMii Rules

To help keep the site in order, there are some rules we'd like you to follow. This site is much more open-ended than other Miiverse clones, and as such the rules are mostly set by the communities you visit, but there are still some ground rules so anarchy doesn't break out. Please read this short list before using the site.

Be over 13

In order to comply with COPPA, you must be over the age of 13 before joining our site. If our admins find that you are under 13, you will be banned from the site.

Follow Community Rules

As mentioned above, the rules on this page must be followed alongside the rules of the communities you use. As long as the community's rules don't override site-wide rules, the staff of the community can set whatever rules they wish, and are freely allowed to delete your community posts/replies or set their content as spoilers. The only responsibility community admins don't have is the ability to do site-wide actions like deleting posts made outside the community or give out global bans; this power is reserved solely for CloneMii staff members. Posts and replies made to communities have two separate report options, one for breaking community rules and one for breaking site-wide rules. The latter is sent to CloneMii's site staff, whose decisions preside over those of community admins. It is the responsibility of the userbase to use these powers properly.

It should go without saying, but none of this applies to posts made outside of communities.


Absolutely no NSFW or NSFL. Censored or not, none of that. No exceptions.

Spoliers and Tagging

Spoilers are supposed to let people know that if they show the message, their game could be spoiled! So, just be sure to use it when there's a spoiler!

  1. Please be sure to use tags, it can help people find a specific trend quickly!
  2. If you think or know something will spoil a game, please use the "Spoilers!" option!

Besides Spoilers and tags, there's also another rule that needs to be followed regarding post metadata. Tagging is a feature introduced in CloneMii that you may have already heard about, and as you might expect, using tags improperly is not allowed on the site. For instance, posting images of Kirby with tags that have nothing to do with the post like "mario, xbox, undertale" to gain more Yeahs is against the rules, and your tags may be removed or your post deleted if reported to the admins. Jokingly unrelated tags are something of a gray line, and can be subjected to further investigation by the admins. You should generally be fine as long as you're not entering the realm of clickbait, though.

Common Decency

Here at CloneMii, we try to be polite and want users of all kinds to be comfortable on our site. To keep this standard up, we ask that you follow a few common decency rules:

  • Harassment, hate speech, and raiding are not allowed anywhere on CloneMii, and action will be taken accordingly. What constitutes hate speech will be decided by the admins.
  • Hacking and/or doxxing is also against the rules, and will be punished with a ban if necessary.
  • Spam is generally disallowed, unless it's deemed by the staff to be for a valid reason.

Other Rules

Lastly, here are a few extra rules:

  • CloneMii staff are allowed to have the last say about anything on the site. Community admins are one level below them, and regular users one level below that.
  • Any attempts to find loopholes within the rules will be met with the according action, and the CloneMii staff reserves the right to change the rules at any time.
  • Don't cause drama. Common sense.

That should be about all the rules. Only 5 in total, albeit rather verbose ones. Next, we'll cover some things that aren't rules, but rather general information you may want to know.

General Site Information

About CloneMii

CloneMii is a Miiverse clone experience that was developed by PF2M in PHP from late 2018 to early 2019. The site was created from a desire to innovate from the usual community posting structure of other Miiverse clones, taking ideas from other services like Twitter and Reddit. It features new additions to the Miiverse clone structure, like replacing the idea of a general discussion community with a post feed easily customizable by the user. is also accomplished all without editing any of the site's client-side code or styling, using only HTML from the server to do everything. Because of this, you may find it a bit more limited than other clones, but this also makes it faster and more extensible as any themes or mods compatible with Miiverse are also compatible with CloneMii. The source code can be found on GitHub, and edits/rehosts are allowed and encouraged.

Legal Information

CloneMii is not, in any way, associated with Nintendo Co, Ltd. or Hatena Co, Ltd. Nintendo and Hatena have no involvement with this service, and neither company maintains, endorses, sponsors or contributes to this. If anything found on this site infringes on your rights, contact us and we can fix it.