The Random Community 2: Electric Boogaloo

Ondrashek06 Ondrashek06
Here's a good copypasta:
This is a post. This post is posted to a website called Clonemii, with a website skin applied called "Clonemii+". This post composes of valid words in the English language, arranged in a certain pattern. This post resides on some servers that the owner of the Clonemii website, called Term, has rented. In case the servers go offline and off the Internet, this post would disappear. And it would also disappear if an user of this website with the "Admin" designation pressed a certain button that would delete it off this site. Actually, what even is a post? A post is a thing that a person has added to a public space. Whether it be offline on a bulletin board, or online on a website. A post can contain just about anything, whether it be text, image, or even a file if online. And if a website allows it, which this website (Clonemii) does, people can share their opinions on the post via a smaller post, called a "comment". And Clonemii has another feature, where if an user has positive reactions to a post or comment, they can press the Yeah button and give a Yeah, which makes a counter go up by 1 point and makes your image that is set as a profile picture appear on a post or comment. And those posts can also be grouped into groups known as "communities", each user can create their own community on Clonemii and let posts accumulate there! And what's also cool is that if you do want to unleash your creative skills, you can also use Miverse - a special tool which lets you draw on a blank canvas!
In a conclusion, Clonemii is a Miiverse clone.
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