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Jokko bellsproutboy

08/19/2021 2:35 AM ̇ Spoilers!

I kinda wish there was a more advanced way of searching through Miiverse archives. When I get into a piece of media that's existed before 2018, I usually wonder what sorts of posts have been made about it on Miiverse. Take Hollow Knight for instance, it was released in February of 2017, and I bet there was a bunch of fanart made on Miiverse but there's no easy way of knowing for sure.


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08/19/2021 3:04 AM ̇ Spoilers!

there is Archiverse a website that is trying to backlog most of Miiverse posts/replies
It isn't complete but it has a ton of stuff that I use when making community like the banners, icons, and sometimes I like to repost artwork from OG Miiverse
For archiving Miiverse Archiverse is the best so far



08/19/2021 5:16 AM ̇ Spoilers!

I definitely know the existence of Archiverse, but it only lets you search for users and not specific posts and keywords, so finding specific content from a wide array of people is hard


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