Nicolas Nicolas
So I noticed this about a few months ago, you know how we have these Miiverse clones right? And then there are these YouTube Alternatives that would use the old layouts, like for example, VidLii has the YouTube 2008 header and has the 2009 looking pages, BitView currently has YouTube's 2008 layout (at first when I joined BitView, it had YouTube's 2006 layout), Tracle has the Cosmic Panda layout that YouTube used to have from, about, late 2011 to 2013. Isn't it crazy? If I were able to create my own YouTube Alternative platform, mine would have the 2012 layout that YouTube used to have, you know where we had the icon next to the sign in thing and when looking at a video, the channel logo would be next to the Subscribe button and in the comments section, we see the user icons as well as the reply. I've always thought of making a YouTube Alternative. I know what I'm gonna call mine. KiMiru.
Ki = "You" in Japanese.
Miru = "View" in Japanese.
Not only that I'd have it up for like Desktop, I can imagine it being for Mobile as well.
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