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littleMAHER1 littleMAHER1

12/13/2021 12:36 AM ̇ Spoilers!

No offense to Term or anyone but I think I will stay with my normal account and not switch over to the Terminal Network I just don't see why I should switch over when I already have one that is working great If u like the Terminal Network or merged, good for you! I'm not trying to protest by saying "TN bad stay with CM network, this will bring CloneMii down" or whatever Twitter says when something happens that they don't like. I'm just going to stay with my og CM account I don't really want to go thru all the trouble of transferring accounts, merging, creating a new one, etc when CM already works pretty well Let me say it again, no offense for Term or anyone else who likes TN, Ik I sound like a broken record but I don't want anyone to think that I am against this, I just personally don't want to do it especially if it's optional I am like this for alot of times where new account systems need to be made so it's not just for CloneMii When Epic accounts where required for Fall Guys I didn't want to do it cause I despise Epic, unfortunately it is required and the game that I paid $20 for won't work without it so I needed to make it. So yeah I just don't see the point to the TN sadly :/


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12/13/2021 1:49 AM ̇ Spoilers!

TN is just a small project that can centralize my website's logins instead of you creating multiple accounts for each site. I get if you don't want to merge. I honestly DO NOT care. It's your choice.



12/13/2021 1:50 AM ̇ Spoilers!

And the legacy login will stay there forever anyway, so don't worry.



12/13/2021 6:14 AM ̇ Spoilers!

when V2 comes out I would prob migrate since Ik how annoying it is to have 100 different accounts where each clone looks so similar but for now I'm sticking to good ol CM



12/13/2021 9:39 AM ̇ Spoilers!

Term said that it should solve the annoying logout every hour or smth.


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