Ondrashek06 Ondrashek06
Q: What exactly is Terminal Network (TN)?
A: It's a system made by Term and Jack that brings new features, such as a single account for services such as CloneMii or Bruhclone.
Q: What is a Terminal Network ID (TNID)?
A: It's the account used for interacting with TN services. However, "TNID" may also refer to the username you use for the account.
Q: Can I merge my existing Clonemii or Bruhclone account with my TNID?
A: Yes. To start the merging process, message an admin (Term for Clonemii & Jack for Bruhclone) with your TNID.
Q: What are the benefits of merging?
A: It finally fixes the logging out that happened every 2 hours or so, and it will also set your Clonemii username to your TNID.
Q: What are the drawbacks of merging?
A: You will not be able to log in anymore with you legacy Clonemii/Bruhclone account. You have to log in via your TNID.
Q: Will merging be forced?
A: There are no plans for it. If you do not want the merge, just do not do it.
Q: Can I create a new Clonemii/Bruhclone account?
A: No. All new registrations are done by TNID.
Q: Can I undo the merge?
A: No, the merge is permanent. There is no way to convert your TNID back to a Clonemii/Bruhclone account.
Q: TN kinda reminds me of Nintendo Network, what's up with that?
A: TN is inspired by Nintendo Network. However, to use Miis, you still have to use a NNID, as TN does not support them.
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