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Nicolas Nicolas

12/31/2021 2:58 PM ̇ Spoilers!

What The Hell's wrong with VidLii and BitView? By that I mean yesterday, on VidLii, whenever I click on anything, it'll open up a new tab and have these pop up ads, like wtf? And as for BitView, just today, I was about to click on the BitView home page until it just opens up a new tab.. Great, VidLii and BitView are now like any other site with these pop up ads...


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12/31/2021 11:39 PM ̇ Spoilers!

This is exactly what happens when you DO NOT FILTER YOUR ADS. When I visited BitView without ublock origin, and clicked on the "home" link, I got TWO popups - one was a scam, the second was porn.



01/01/2022 4:28 AM ̇ Spoilers!

Ugh... There has to be a way to fix this kind of situation, like Jesus Christ...


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