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Ondrashek06 Ondrashek06

01/09/2022 9:17 AM ̇ Spoilers!

Hey Nintendo, how about you let me add funds via credit card on an European 3DS? It's not like I can change the region to USA.


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01/09/2022 3:21 PM ̇ Spoilers!


01/09/2022 4:43 PM ̇ Spoilers!

Yeah Term, I have already hacked my 3DS, but afaik there's no way to hack in Badge Arcade tokens or gems for Shuffle.

And if you mean hacking to change region, a region change means being locked out of Nintendo Network.


reese 🎨🖌️

01/09/2022 9:03 PM ̇ Spoilers!

i think eshop gift cards would be your best bet here!



01/09/2022 9:19 PM ̇ Spoilers!

They're not sold here and my NNID's country is not compatible with any eShop card region (even Europe), when my brother bought an European eShop card for 25€, I had to change my Nintendo Account's region to Germany to be able to use it.
And no, unlike Nintendo Accounts, your NNID's region cannot be changed.


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