CloneMii Announcements

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CloneMii Announcements news

06/01/2021 11:48 PM ̇ Spoilers!

BREAKING NEWS: The user "GreenBoi" is planning to make communities for clones. We have some confirmed ones: Closedverse Community (OUT NOW), Openverse Community, Indigo Community, and the Oasis Community. We also have ones that aren't confirmed, but considered: Ciiverse Community, Cedar Community, and the MV World Community. The release dates are unknown. Oh, we've just got new info about Clonemii updates! Badges are currently in the works! The confirmed badges are: Dev Badge, and the (Un)Verified badge. The progress and release dates are unknown.


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06/05/2021 8:33 AM ̇ Spoilers!




06/05/2021 8:33 AM ̇ Spoilers!

taht breaked my leg


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