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Showing all posts tagged with Len & Snippy.

Art Community


10/20/2021 2:51 AM ̇ Spoilers!

I have NO idea why but most of my posts with comics in it are now gone
imma tag this with the Len & Snippy tag so u can see how it's gone

Art Community


10/05/2021 5:26 PM ̇ Spoilers!

Comixs from me are going to come randomly now, So don't expect a new one every day

Art Community


09/17/2021 3:58 PM ̇ Spoilers!

Lore cause idk what to put here: Len's Mom is dead, Ik how she dies (it's stupid) but I'm not going to say that yet

Art Community


09/16/2021 4:13 PM ̇ Spoilers!

L&S now comes earlier then normal due to what happened yesterday

Art Community


09/15/2021 10:30 PM ̇ Spoilers!

The reason why it took a bit longer to upload this comic is because during Mon-Fri I make and publish these comics at school (published as I upload them here) and today I had it taken away during clas...

Art Community


09/14/2021 4:53 PM ̇ Spoilers!

Fun Fact: Len & Snippy isn't something I made a few weeks ago
I made these characters back in 2016 and I use to make TONS of comics with them (about maybe 10000)
granted most of them where on scrat...

Art Community


09/13/2021 4:18 PM ̇ Spoilers!

this comic takes place at school, just wanted you to know

and the equations are actual things I'm doing in high school

the more you know

Art Community


09/12/2021 10:04 PM ̇ Spoilers!

I'm reposting it since I got the tag wrong

In case u thought that I WASN'T going to make a Len & Snippy for today, UR WRONG

I just couldn't think of a idea and it's Sunday so I was being laz...

Art Community


09/10/2021 4:44 PM ̇ Spoilers!

Len gives into his primal egress

Art Community


09/09/2021 4:46 PM ̇ Spoilers!

Haven't had Snippy in a comic in a while, LETS fix that!

Art Community


09/08/2021 4:41 PM ̇ Spoilers!

The drawing of Len's Dad in panel 2 is the best drawing I've ever made and I don't think I'm able to redraw it

Art Community


09/07/2021 4:52 PM ̇ Spoilers!

Those things coming out of the fridge is sandwiches
just wanted to u to know :)

Art Community


09/05/2021 6:30 PM ̇ Spoilers!

If u look in the upper right corner of my comixs u will either see My name Maher.M or a logo which says M Print 2021 (this comic u can see it)
I use it because I like to pretend that I have a company...

Art Community


09/04/2021 10:45 PM ̇ Spoilers!

Lore: Len, Snippy, and Len's dad live in a half house/ half store called 'The Gear Shop' where they sell car parts (think the Mystery Shack in Gravity Falls) and Len's Dad is fat so he wears a belt to...

Art Community


09/04/2021 8:32 PM ̇ Spoilers!

Decided to make a Len & Snippy comic digitally
this does NOT mean that I'm going to abandon paper and pen I just wanted to try it out and also cause the joke wouldn't work if it was paper and pen

Art Community


09/03/2021 6:20 PM ̇ Spoilers!

here's another comic that I made

Just so anyone's not confuse
The boy with the L on his shirt is named Len and the talking dog is named Snippy

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09/03/2021 6:24 PM

Nice! You should keep posting under the Len & Snippy tag. I'm gonna wanna find it later!

Art Community


09/03/2021 6:18 PM ̇ Spoilers!

Here's a comic that I made
it's kinda grim