Hannah's Followers
Nicolas Nicolas
'Sup? I'm a mildly autistic 21 year old guy who's all obsessed with Magical Girl, Slice of Life, Isekai and Romance Anime's. I also love video games, music and cruisin' on the Internet. I am already taken in a relationship by my lovely Princess Saori Hana since August 10, 2016. And I was once that guy by SuperNicolasBros (Wii U) and SuperstarNicolas (3DS). I still roleplay (sometimes) to this day. Nowadays, I am currently an animator on Wrapper Offline, a storywriter on WattPad and I still draw.
Test Account TestyIsTheBesty
Beet beet
★Terminal★™ Terminal
bruh bruh bruh, bruh bruh bruh!, bruh. (super mario bros. tone)
monke culture webtest5
group account for all clone monkes. we eat banana. we own jungle community. we cool. join monke culture. we also translate monke posts.