Nicolas's Yeahs

Comment on Nicolas's post


01/26/2022 11:02 PM ̇ Spoilers!

Nintendo 3DS and New Nintendo 3DS have different browsers.
The N3DS one is more complete than the O3DS one, because of N3DS upgraded hardware.

So O3DS browsers doesn't support CloneMii, but for N3...

CloneMii Announcements


01/24/2022 3:34 AM ̇ Spoilers!

oh yeah, here's your screenshot of it.

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01/26/2022 7:44 AM

indigo seems cool to me but i dont exactly remember the trainwreck of the community

General Community


01/21/2022 6:50 PM ̇ Spoilers!

I kinda like doing Nintendo Network logo edits.

Everybody Votes Channel Community


01/15/2022 3:20 PM ̇ Spoilers!

pancakes or waffles?

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01/15/2022 10:17 PM

Waffles, I eat them with nutella only though.

General Community


01/07/2022 6:52 AM ̇ Spoilers!

Today, January 6 (it still is in PST), marks the 2 year anniversary of Miiverse Clonapedia's creation. I legitimately cannot believe it has been this long, seems as though the 2020 era of documenting ...

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01/07/2022 10:48 PM

aerith you spoke the words out of my mouth. i was like "i'm not the only editor??"


01/08/2022 1:24 AM ̇ Spoilers!

new year
new cheese post

i like cheese

part 5

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Art Community


01/05/2022 9:03 AM ̇ Spoilers!

I made this two weeks ago but I guess I'll post it here

General Community


01/04/2022 9:55 PM ̇ Spoilers!

Last post today, but for those interested: This is how many NNIDs could be created based on how many 3DS and Wii U units existed. Only 1 NNID per 3DS and 12 per Wii U. Of course, you cannot create NNI...

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Comment on Nicolas's post

DC TheGamr

01/02/2022 7:35 AM ̇ Spoilers!

Can’t wait for 2022 to be good :D

Comment on Nicolas's post


12/31/2021 11:39 PM ̇ Spoilers!

This is exactly what happens when you DO NOT FILTER YOUR ADS. When I visited BitView without ublock origin, and clicked on the "home" link, I got TWO popups - one was a scam, the second was porn.

CloneMii Announcements


12/26/2021 12:07 AM ̇ Spoilers!

Merry Christmas Clonemii! Hope you all are doing well. I hope you all get gifts, while still having time to spend with family too! And again, Merry Christmas.

General Community


12/23/2021 7:07 PM ̇ Spoilers!

Great job, Nintendo, you can't even keep up the "What is a Nintendo Network ID" page.


09/27/2021 5:25 AM ̇ Spoilers!

i like cheese
part 3


08/15/2021 4:06 AM ̇ Spoilers!

i like cheese
part 2


05/24/2021 3:49 PM ̇ Spoilers!

i like cheese


12/21/2021 12:53 AM ̇ Spoilers!

posted from the ps vita!


12/19/2021 2:42 PM ̇ Spoilers!

i like cheese
part 4


12/19/2021 2:49 PM


General Community


12/14/2021 11:51 PM ̇ Spoilers!

if TNID's get really popular and Term gets more advanced with coding he could prob make TNID a replacement to NNID (think Pretendo) as in Internet stuff for Wii U/3DS and bringing Splatfest to Splatoo...

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DC TheGamr

12/15/2021 1:38 AM

Yeah. That would be cool. Thing is tho, it already works on Wii U and 3DS because of the web browser (as for the 3DS, I think it's only New 3DS) which is cool. But yeah, it would be cool to have 2 Nintendo Network alternatives that are good. It would be even better if on the service, you could transfer your NNIDs to TNIDs easily. That or have a service to quickly swap between NNIDs (while it's around), PNIDs, and TNIDs

Comment on ❄️mints❄️'s post


12/12/2021 7:33 PM ̇ Spoilers!

Btw, if you can't charge you wii u gamepad that would mean that the battery inside it is dead, you should order a new one.

CloneMii Announcements


12/12/2021 6:48 PM ̇ Spoilers!

I need feedback on this, rate 1-5. ( 1 being the worst, 5 being the best.)

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reese 🎨🖌️

12/13/2021 5:38 AM

am i allowed to give you more than 5? bro you are so good at graphic design.