RandomUser_101's Yeahs

Mario Kart DS is amazing. I wish I could use WPA2 for online though. I have no way to have a WEP connection (even via hotspots as I am iPhone user). It sucks :[

Y'know, posting on CloneMii from Windows Vista feels kind of iconic and nostalgic. Like posting on Miiverse back in 2014 on my brother's NNID as a joke :joy:

oh yeah, clonemii's public. B)
just ask for a Terminal Network invite code at: 482-3NO-INVT
That is all, this is CloneMii.

Okay wanna know what's pissing me off? No matter what gameplay video I upload onto YouTube, mainly my Miitopia (for 3DS), or sometimes Tomodachi Life, and the minute that my videos would be finished u...

Oh yeah, the Expansion pack I heard of a few weeks ago, the Nintendo 64 and Sega Genesis Online thing and God... Almost $80.00? Sheesh Nintendo...

Looking at the New Super Luigi U Community, Holy crap... I remember back on my Wii U NNID around, 2015 to 2016, I believe, I remember I would always post anything random on this Community. Now I think...