★Terminal★™'s Posts

CloneMii Announcements


01/29/2022 5:30 PM ̇ Spoilers!

CloneMii will cease to exist in a few minutes or so, but will come back with absolutely nothing but clonemii, terminal network, some other services, and that's about it.
I'm doing a fully-fledged cle...

CloneMii Announcements


01/29/2022 4:50 PM ̇ Spoilers!

I think it's time I increased the post limit. Maybe on replies later.
What do y'all say?

That is all, this is CloneMii.™️

CloneMii Announcements


01/28/2022 9:16 PM ̇ Spoilers!

oh yeah, clonemii's public. B)

just ask for a Terminal Network invite code at: 482-3NO-INVT

That is all, this is CloneMii.

CloneMii Announcements


01/28/2022 9:07 PM ̇ Spoilers!

CloneMii rules have been updated.

That is all, this is CloneMii.

CloneMii Announcements


01/26/2022 3:44 AM ̇ Spoilers!

ok so if i actually DO manage to get indigo to stay up 24/7 i might just use cloudflare and self-host indigo as clonemii.

It will not be a replacement until I can assure that it can stay up for a l...

CloneMii Announcements


01/24/2022 3:34 AM ̇ Spoilers!

oh yeah, here's your screenshot of it.

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01/26/2022 7:44 AM

indigo seems cool to me but i dont exactly remember the trainwreck of the community

CloneMii Announcements


01/24/2022 3:30 AM ̇ Spoilers!

Fun fact:
I just got indigo working and i might be using it as clonemii. maybe just a test.

unfortunetly, since I do not know go, Terminal Network integrations will not be in this "test".

I've ...


01/26/2022 10:53 PM

i know go a little

CloneMii Announcements


01/23/2022 12:55 AM ̇ Spoilers!

Hi again.

CloneMii will be going private for a bit due to recent situations around the Miiverse clone community.

This shouldn't last too long.

That is all, this is CloneMii.™️

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01/24/2022 10:13 AM

rewrite.webs.nf/users/DONOTCARE, you mean?


01/21/2022 7:33 PM ̇ Spoilers!

Y'know, posting on CloneMii from Windows Vista feels kind of iconic and nostalgic. Like posting on Miiverse back in 2014 on my brother's NNID as a joke :joy:

CloneMii Announcements


01/19/2022 10:29 PM ̇ Spoilers!

Hello, once again CloneMii users!

Due to TermCloud and RixyCloud existing, sometimes the server will just reboot apache processes, (I suspect) which is why the webpage goes down for a brief period ...

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01/19/2022 10:45 PM

I don't wanna cause chaos on Term server CPU usage & on CloneMii.


01/17/2022 3:48 AM ̇ Spoilers!

guys im in heavy winds. power might go out.

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01/18/2022 7:06 PM

It actually DID go out for a bit yesterday for me... For about 2 minutes. Unfortunately only my parents have the login and password to see the outages on the website.

CloneMii Announcements


01/16/2022 6:28 PM ̇ Spoilers!

joke advertisement:
come to clonemii to see didney world pics!!11!!!! >:DDD zoinks!

reese 🎨🖌️

01/16/2022 7:21 PM

Join clonemii to check out Aerith's sweet ass Disney world adventures and learn plenty about the parks if you ask because by God do they know a lot about them!


01/16/2022 6:25 PM ̇ Spoilers!

reese tryna make my day more exciting :')

reese 🎨🖌️

01/16/2022 7:17 PM

Gotta share the excitement and magic with everybody else!! :)

CloneMii Announcements


01/16/2022 2:09 PM ̇ Spoilers!

Hello again, CloneMii users!

So, the source of the problem was found (RixyCloud) and has now been solved. If any more downtime occurs, I will let you know what happened as soon as CloneMii goes bac...

CloneMii Announcements


01/15/2022 11:48 PM ̇ Spoilers!

Hi CloneMii users!
You may have noticed that CloneMii was down for a few brief moments.
I think the server has been restarted. I don't know what happened, nor will i ever know as of right now @ this...

Everybody Votes Channel Community


01/15/2022 3:20 PM ̇ Spoilers!

pancakes or waffles?

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01/15/2022 10:17 PM

Waffles, I eat them with nutella only though.


01/12/2022 3:36 PM ̇ Spoilers!

aerith is the person who uses the most bandwidth on here! :P

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01/12/2022 10:35 PM

she's isn't even online that much

CloneMii Announcements


01/11/2022 10:33 PM ̇ Spoilers!

Terminal Network TOS - https://grapesu.webs.nf/terms.php

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01/12/2022 9:16 PM

Thanks, though is your email "teminal" or "terminal"?


01/11/2022 10:24 PM ̇ Spoilers!

also it doesn't look like anybody hacked anybody or said anything in the DB except for "This account is mine"


01/11/2022 10:13 PM ̇ Spoilers!

that raider: no idea who he is, no idea if I will even know what he wants! Nobody fell for his trap, (at least i hope nobody did)
and aerith isn't "jo", and aerith didn't hack his account??
I don't ...