

11/27/2021 8:08 PM ̇ Spoilers!

Damn that yoshis tropical island music is So E P I C!


10/30/2021 6:39 AM ̇ Spoilers!

I do find it weird how it's only gameboards from the N64 games and 5 at that. I would get it if the minigames where also N64 only but there not which makes this choice even more weird. And I wouldn't ...


10/30/2021 4:05 PM

i think they might do LOTs of DLC for this game..... like a lot


10/29/2021 11:12 PM ̇ Spoilers!

hey do you guys like this game??? i dont have any friends and i was wondering if i should get it

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reese 🎨🖌️

01/04/2022 6:16 PM

OH I FORGOT TO TELL YOU i got mario party a few days ago from my grandparents for christmas!!



10/29/2021 8:40 PM ̇ Spoilers!

Yes, the game released today. Also got the 2 keychains as a pre-order bonus. Thank god it has PROPER online; no need to be friends or know a code. I was hyped for it since it was announced!