Mario Party Superstars Community

littleMAHER1 littleMAHER1
I do find it weird how it's only gameboards from the N64 games and 5 at that. I would get it if the minigames where also N64 only but there not which makes this choice even more weird. And I wouldn't be complaining if past Mario Parties didn't have more then 5 but here we are, that is a problem that's been here since 9 and that is: there's like only 5/4 gameboards per game and that sucks since most other Mario Party gameboards got up to 6-7 gameboards
Why not bring in boards from the other past games not just from the N64 era cause I should to remind Nintendo that the Gamecube gameboards where pretty sexy ngl, or if ur sticking to N64, I should remind Nintendo that they made 2 more Mario Party games and they also have great gameboards. It shouldn't be that hard to remake, there from the N64
and that was my rant about a game that I don't even own
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