Ondrashek06's Yeahs

General Community


01/25/2022 5:24 AM ̇ Spoilers!

Someone needs to remove all punctuations in a Harry Potter book then remove all the spaces between the words so it can be just one word

Don't let me down people

General Community


01/21/2022 3:23 AM ̇ Spoilers!


reese 🎨🖌️

01/12/2022 11:57 PM ̇ Spoilers!

I would like to see it 👀

Comment on Ondrashek06's post


01/11/2022 10:13 PM ̇ Spoilers!

I'm not paying for domains if I can get some under a simple extension domain.

CloneMii Announcements


12/31/2021 3:56 PM ̇ Spoilers!

Thank you for a great 2021, CloneMii!


12/27/2021 9:27 AM ̇ Spoilers!

So to respond the most popular question, "What Did You Get For Christmas", I got:
-A new Switch Lite console (to replace my other Switch Lite, because the screen was broken o o f)
-Pokemon B...


12/22/2021 10:28 AM ̇ Spoilers!

NOTE TO PROJECT SILVER & SILVER CLUB MEMBERS: The main domain of the Silver Suite (prsilver.cf) got shutdown by Freenom for no reason (according to Term). Term is currently asking Freenom to make the ...

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12/22/2021 5:30 PM

Well yeah, but that's because Term is generous to provide the domains to you. He is still paying quite a bit for them.

CloneMii Announcements


12/19/2021 10:58 PM ̇ Spoilers!

I advise you all to stay away from freenom. clonemii.ml and prsilver.cf got taken down for "fraud". even though we didnt do anything.

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12/22/2021 2:32 PM

If Freenom treats us of criminals, let's insult them too. :)

General Community

Edgy Robin

12/08/2021 8:16 PM ̇ Spoilers!

Gimme five yeahs or I post a horrifying fact about clown fish.

Comment on ★Terminal★™'s post


12/04/2021 4:22 AM ̇ Spoilers!

the public beta is out right now!

Super Mario Maker Community


11/23/2021 5:20 PM ̇ Spoilers!

Hmm not bad

Anyone here took part in the new speedrun event?

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11/24/2021 8:58 PM

It actually was the last, this ninji speedrun was due to a promotion. That was once-off.


11/05/2021 9:03 AM ̇ Spoilers!

fav post

General Community

srgnational (REAL)

10/31/2021 1:49 AM ̇ Spoilers!

Me (right) and my girlfriend (left)

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Mario Party Superstars Community


10/30/2021 6:39 AM ̇ Spoilers!

I do find it weird how it's only gameboards from the N64 games and 5 at that. I would get it if the minigames where also N64 only but there not which makes this choice even more weird. And I wouldn't ...


10/30/2021 4:05 PM

i think they might do LOTs of DLC for this game..... like a lot

Unrelated Announcements


10/25/2021 8:17 AM ̇ Spoilers!

Project Silver (new pear) will start development this week.


10/24/2021 7:31 PM ̇ Spoilers!

Pear is back from the hell.
Prepare for new features soon.
New way to communicate with Pear will appear very soon, stay tuned :D

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10/24/2021 7:51 PM

I also miss the "You are currently restricted from interacting with Miiverse".


10/23/2021 12:01 AM ̇ Spoilers!

Imagine owning a Miiverse clone people actually enjoy, which you also enjoy yourself. Couldn't be me...

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10/24/2021 1:07 AM

@littleMAHER1 yeah, I can agree. And what Ondrashek06 said, now that you mentioned Closedverse, oh man... I remember going to ClosedVerse. I remember joining that somewhere around 2017 before Miiverse closed its services. As much as I remember making good friends and earned a lot of followers on Miiverse, there were some friends I remember on ClosedVerse.


10/16/2021 8:33 AM ̇ Spoilers!

Hey everyone

General Community

Daniel D

10/18/2021 5:03 AM ̇ Spoilers!

I love the classic Miiverse music that plays on the feed, really making me feel nostalgic

Comment on littleMAHER1's post


10/17/2021 12:24 AM ̇ Spoilers!

cert died.
issuing new one now